
A Rising Pop Star

Oh Katy Perry. You, sexy girl, you. I recently became obsessed with your two hit songs. I listen to them a lot. Then I watched your videos and your VMA 2008 performance and you won me over. Why, might you ask?

You are just what the U.S. pop scene needs. You are the anti-Britney. But not in the angry I'm-jealous-of-Britney-because-she-is-more-popular-than-me Christina and Pink way. You are not jealous of Britney. You are not a reaction to Britney. You are a feisty brunette whose personality clearly shines through in videos. You are your own person and even though you serve the same market, somehow you managed to dodge the comparison bullet.

True, your "I Kissed a Girl" is equivalent to two drunk girls making out at a frat party to garner attention. I do not really believe that you kissed a girl and liked it. But who cares? The song is great. The devilish way in which you reveal that "it felt so wrong, it felts so right" merits the attention of U.S. youth. And mine, also. I also cannot sit still when I hear it. I cannot sit still even less when I hear your "Hot 'N Cold." It is a fast-paced spunky update on Avril's "Complicated." But more fun and just plain better.

You have stage presence. You have star quality. You have a personality. All of these clearly come across in your videos and live performances, where you just radiate energy (you are also not half-bad at singing live):

Even though your VMA 2008 (for the love of God...I cannot find it on YouTube!) performance was suspiciously similar to Tatu's VMA 2003 performance, I forgive you:

You are still careful and do not go over the top. The VMA 2008 performance was tame and you held yourself back. No pythons on shoulders. Good call.

You have so much potential. I cannot wait to see what you will do with it.

I like.

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